The View Function

The view function is responsible for displaying the model in the browser. It always renders the whole model of the application. Because DOM operations in the browser are moderately expensive, a Virtual DOM is used.

A Virtual DOM is a representation of the DOM tree without any interface to the browser. This representation of the DOM tree can be produced very fast. The Virtual DOM also supports computing a diff between two virtual DOM trees. This diff can then be applied to the real browser’s DOM. Only changed DOM nodes will be touched by this patching operation.

Bonsai provides a Smolder-style syntax to produce virtual DOM nodes. [1] View code is expected to import Bonsai.Html, Bonsai.Html.Attributes and Bonsai.Html.Events. These modules provide helper functions for easily representing HTML content:

view :: Model -> VNode Msg
view model =
  render $ div_ $ do
    text $ show model
    button ! onClick Inc $ text "+"
    button ! onClick Dec $ text "-"

render produces a virtual DOM node from the Smolder-style DSL. div_ and button come from Bonsai.Html, they produce their corresponding HTML elements. Child elements are simply nested in a do block. Attributes and event handlers are specified with ! (this is different from Smolder - Smolder uses different syntax for event handlers).

If an attribute or event handler is not always needed, a Maybe (Property msg) can be put on the element with !?. Elm’s virtual DOM has special helpers for styles, and there is an unconditional and a conditional operator for styles as well: #! and #!? - this is from an old version of the animation example:

p #!? (map (\(Color c) -> style "background-color" c) m.color) $
  text m.text

The styles helper just makes it possible to not provide a single style attribute, but many different styles (some of them conditional). The DSL takes care of producing the final style attribute for you.

Note that with the conditional operators, you usually need map because you have to lift over the structure of the Maybe.

Also note that class properties (cls) are special - if multiple class properties are present, the virtual DOM will join them (separated by a spaces). With all other properties/attributes, later ones overwrite earlier ones.


[1]The HTML Api is optional, you can also work with the VirtualDom directly.