
purescript-bonsai is a functional web programming framework for purescript. It uses Elm’s VirtualDom implementation (the part written in javascript, anyway) and adds the necessary plumbing to make it work with purescript.

The Elm Virtual Dom is tied pretty tightly to how Elm works, so Bonsai follows Elm in a lot of basic design decisions. In particular, the general structure of an application is the same: TEA as in “The Elm Architecture”.

There is a Message type that defines what actions are possible on the Model. The Model is another type that defines the whole state of the application. All changes to this Model go through an update function. The update function applies messages to the current model and produces a new model.

When the model changes, a view function will be called that produces a tree of Virtual Dom nodes. This Virtual Dom tree is then rendered in the browser.

A classical example for a functional web app is a Counter. It displays a number, a “+” button and a “-” button. Clicking the buttons changes the number that is displayed.


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In this case, the Model is simply an Int. The messages can be Inc or Dec:

type Model = Int

data Msg
  = Inc
  | Dec

The update function applies these messages to the current count. It returns a Tuple of command and model. Here the command is empty, but it could also return commands to apply more messages:

update msg model = Tuple empty $
  case msg of
    Inc ->
      model + 1
    Dec ->
      model - 1

The view function produces a tree of Virtual DOM nodes. Note that the model never changes, rather a new model (in this case a new number) is produced. The view function always paints the whole state of the application:

view model =
  render $ div_ $ do
    text $ show model
    button ! onClick Inc $ text "+"
    button ! onClick Dec $ text "-"

I’ve glossed over some things like imports or types or how the application is started. These will be discussed later on, but you can also look at the complete source code of the counter example: